The gods of guilt
Mickey Haller is a criminal attorney who is approached by Andre La Cosse because he gets arrested for the murder of Gloria Dayton. Gloria is a prostitute and Andre arranges clients for her. There happens to be a tiff between them just the day before her murder which the detectives use to arrive at conclusions. But there is lot more to this than what meets the eye.
Gloria also happens to be Mickey's former client , then she used another name. A case Mickey once thought is shut and close has open up with new revelations about Gloria. The book is quite a page turner. The courtroom sessions are what I loved the most because the case flips from prosecution to defense , back and forth. You also feel the heat of questions being thrown like a hammer at the person in stand . Standing in a witness box and answering questions is no piece of cake irrespective of whether you want to lie or tell the truth.
The gods of guilt, that is the justice system (judge/jury/lawyer) decides whether you should be punished or not. And this is done based on their interpretation of the whole story. 'Guilt' because it's more about how fervently your lawyer presents the case that decides the judgement and less about the 'truth'. As the person who has been carrying that guilt for always protecting the bad guys and to have suffered the hostility of his own daughter for the same, is what his life is about. But with Andre's case , is he going to change that?. Connelly takes us through this thriller ride with unexpected turn of events till the end and closing it on a very touching note.