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Who am I?

Have you ever asked this question to yourself?

It is important to ask this because most of your life or all of your life is influenced by others around you. When I started thinking about , it just took me deeper and deeper until I couldn’t get any answer.

You are given 'name' by your parents. You grow up in a household imitating others around you, infact more than you, your family wants you to become like them. If each of us are supposed to live our lives similar to others, why are we created as a separate entity?

No two people look alike. Yet there are forces around us that make us think alike. That could be the reason why we lack creativity. No school or university taught us to look within. Most of the times, it is difficult to deal with the life's disappointments because you always kept the achievements of others as your benchmark. It is time that we start looking at things differently. If you think you are here by chance , may be you are true but if you think you are here for a reason, that could as well be true.

Your thoughts about religion, gender, world is built upon the foundation of thoughts created by people around you. The problem, when you create your own thoughts is ,you end up having disagreements in families. These are not seen as healthy environments. There are no debates or discussions that will act as a fuel to your thinking. Till you reach a 'certain' age you are told what needs to be done. But the problem here is , enough time has passed that you no more have the courage or freedom to think on your own. From then on, its a struggle.

Now tell me ,with the above trail of thoughts, could you be judgmental about rapists, terrorists?.

By asking this question, I am not trying to justify their acts. Aren't they too a victim like you, who got shaped by people around them?

Enough of the problems could be solved if we are taught to take decisions or act in alignment with our conscience. We instead abide by the so called 'rules' set by others. It is not about breaking the rules but about creating new ones or fighting for it. But our asses find the pillow below it so comforting that we are glued to it.

Last day I was watching Jack Ryan series in Amazon Prime. A few dialogues from the movie, made me think about this topic. The series is based on Jack Ryan, a CIA agent who brings down a terrorist.

They would need the help of a local guy in Syria about some information. This local guy runs a brothel. The local guy says to Jack-"You don't like me because you think I am the bad guy. I would have ended up being good if I was born like you in America. Geography is destiny. The world is a kiln and you are the clay."

We never get to choose our parents or place we are born or the life we live until a certain time. But its never late to think and have the choice to look outside or within. Don't be that painting, which was carefully painted by others, instead get your brushes and paint it yourself.

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