For the love of green..
Living in one of the Middle East countries for sometime made me realise the value of one of the animated realm of existence:Mother Nature.I can spend oodles of time staring at nature and the rains.The swaying of trees makes me merry as a grig. I like the stillness of night punctuated by croaking of toads and chirping of crickets. My in-laws house is located amidst an abundance of greenery. When I visited this time, as I looked around to watch the dense forest surrounding the house, I was in seventh heaven. The leaves moist with dew flutter as the winds whisper. The birds were singing and the streams burbled to welcome me.Here you know its early morning , when you hear the sound of a Peacock. They sing together in the morning. I had seen them only in zoo before. Initially having these peacocks in the vicinity was as unbelievable as living in the age of dinosaurs. Well, now I am used to it. I have seen both male and female ones roaming around in front of my eyes.
My mother often reminisces about her childhood, walking barefoot in fields and eating all kinds of fruits from the big plantations in her house. She loves gardening.This love of hers is now confined within the limited space we have around our house. With rapid urbanization,I sometimes wonder if generation Alpha will ever see lush greenery.
Today,I let my hands get soiled in the mud. I planted a tree. Mom says it produces flowers that changes its colour through the day.